"Westward Ho" - Longreach
"Westward Ho" - Longreach
10,578.89 Ha (Approx 26,131.44 Acres)
Location: Westward Ho is well positioned; it is located half way between Winton and Longreach and is approximately 4km from the boundary to the Landsborough Highway. This property is a very low maintenance, easy care, backgrounding or fattening property that can be run remotely.
Facilities/Services: Mobile phone coverage is available over most of Westward Ho, especially with a booster. There are the usual rural town facilities in both Winton and Longreach. There are rural power lines running across the property.
Rainfall: Winton/Longreach district has a long term average rainfall of 400mm or 16 inches. Westward Ho has had a good seasonal start for the year.
Area & Tenure:
Lot 6 MO43: GHPL 29/11183 – 10,578.89 Ha (26,131.44 acres)
Rates: $6,396.12 Half Yearly Rent: $5,180.08 Quarterly
Local Authority: Longreach Regional Council
Purchaser needs to apply for the following Permit to Occupy lots:
Lot 8 MO43 Permit to Occupy – 333 Ha – Lease Fee $76.85 (camping reserve)
Lot B & C on AP22820 – Permit to Occupy – 348 Ha – Lease Fee $76.85 (road reserve)
Country: Westward Ho is 100% usable with gentle undulating Mitchell, Flinders and Buffel grass open downs country that has a good mix of summer herbages. The vendors have conservatively stocked this country over the last couple of years and the Mitchell grass has really thickened up. There is a very good spread of Buffel grass growing over a large percentage of the property. There are sweet summer herbages along the Darr River channels and other small creek systems.
Westward Ho is considered to be Prickly Acacia free and if a small seedling is found, it is quickly poisoned. There is a minor amount of Parkinsonia, which the vendors are controlling.
Waters: Westward Ho is well watered with 3 Sub-artesian bores which are all connected to rural power and equipped with submersible pumps. One pump was renewed a couple of years ago. One bore was drilled in 1985 (137 metres deep with a supply of 880 gallons per hour) and the others were drilled in 2001 (224 metres deep with a supply of 1,300 gallons per hour) and 2002 (206 metres deep with a supply of 900 gallons per hour). The bore water is pumped into 5 turkey nests and it is gravity fed to 11 troughs and another 2 tanks. This bore water is very brackish but the cattle will drink it. There are 3 dams and some seasonal waterholes along the Darr River channels.
Fencing: Most of the boundary fencing is best described as a mixture of good to very good quality, with two sides being a dual purpose sheep/cattle fence. The internal fences are old, but in good sound stock proof condition. There are three main paddocks and one holding paddock at the yards.
Under the Land Act 1994, there is a common boundary fence agreement between the owner of Bude (Lot 5 MO43) and the owner of the Camping Reserve Lot A on AP4356 and Lot 8 MO43.
Homestead & Buildings: There is no house or buildings on Westward Ho.
Livestock & Plant: Westward Ho will be offered for sale bare of livestock, plant, equipment and materials.
Yards: There is a very good set of portable steel cattle yards (some permanent posts) complete with an undercover weigh box, scales, cattle crush and calf branding cradle. There is water to the yards and the vendors have recently replaced three troughs in the yards, and one in the paddock.
Carrying Capacity:
In an average season Westward Ho would comfortably carry 1,200 head of backgrounding cattle to feeder weights. It is currently lightly stocked with 160 Santa breeders and their progeny running in the Front paddock. Vendors will give early access to Back and Middle paddocks for a maximum of 300 dry cattle (in each paddock), 5 days after an unconditional contract is signed and the deposit is paid.
Agent Remarks: Westward Ho is very well positioned to use as backgrounding/spelling property, with the cattle yards about 5km from the major Queensland livestock corridor; the Landsborough Highway. This is a great opportunity to purchase a very good quality open down property in a tick free, 400mm rainfall area. There is an excellent body of Mitchell, Flinders and Buffel grass as well as other native grasses and sweet fattening summer herbages growing on the chocolate self-mulching fertile soils.
The vendors are presenting for sale, a functional easy care property that will produce high weight gains for a low cost.