'Peronne Station' - Hughenden
'Peronne Station' - Hughenden
9,788 Ha Or 24,185 Acres
Peronne Station is a ‘Blue Ribbon’ Freehold property located in a tick free zone approximately 35km south of Hughenden and 9 km in off the Muttaburra to Hughenden road.
This is an excellent quality property with undulating chocolate and red pebbly self mulching fertile soils. There are numerous creek systems, shelterbelts and laneways with a mixture of open downs and timbered country. (Gidgee, Boree, Bauhinia, Whitewood, Coolibah, Dogwood and more) Following 458mm of rainfall this year, there is an excellent body of Buffel, Mitchell, Flinders and other native grass, summer and winter herbages as well as the introduced Wynn Cassia and Progardes Desmanthus legumes. Much of the Gidgee country has been recently blade ploughed.
The property is very well watered from two bores with the water gravity fed to tanks and troughs. The Bridle Creek No 2 bore is equipped with a submersible Grundfos pump, 22 solar panels and is pumping from approx 60m. The Peronne No 2 bore is also equipped with a Grundfos pump and was relined in 2008.
The majority of the boundary has been exclusion fenced within the last couple of years. There are 16 main paddocks with the internal fencing being a mix of both 3 & 4 barbs and the holding squares all 4 barbs. All paddocks join the laneway system that run back to the large steel yards which are positioned towards the centre of Peronne. These yards are well watered and are complete with a roof over the working area at the branding cradle, weigh box and cattle crush.
The fully air conditioned, large 5 bedroom/2 bathroom homestead has been extensively renovated within the last two years and all the electrical wiring replaced and upgraded. There is a 1 bedroom, fully self contained air conditioned donga and both dwellings are set in a large garden with the lawn area watered by automatic pop-up sprinklers. There is a large steel frame shed with partially concreted floor and solar panels on the roof.
There will be limited station plant and equipment included in the sale as well as 480 very good quality 2 to 9 year old Brangus/Angus cross PTIC cows. These cows and heifers will start calving in early August.
The improvements are first class with very good fencing, laneways, cattle yards, waters, sheds and homestead. All the hard work has been done and it is a credit to the vendors that they are presenting this property for sale in top condition. The pastures are showing the full benefits of the management system of rotational grazing and paddock spelling.
Peronne Station is high kilogram beef producing land at low cost per kg with little to no declared noxious weeds, plants or trees. 24,185 acres of very good quality freehold, tick free country in a 475mm rainfall area plus the use of approximately 2,500 acres of Permit to Occupy.