Angus, Brahman, Brangus, Charbray, Crossbred, Droughtmaster
0 tooth (less than 20mths)0-2 tooth (18-20mths)
Weight Range (kg)
176 - 337 Kg To Average 248.4 Kg (16 Hours Off Feed With Access To Water)
73 GQ HGP Free Vendor Bred Brangus Cross Steers. Majority Exhibit Medium to Large Bone, Length, Depth and Frame for their age. Ideal Steers to grow out to Feeder or Slaughter weights. They are Quiet, have Good Feet, Tidy Heads & heaps of compensatory weight gain. Steers have not been age branded however 5 of the older, heavier looking steers were mouthed with 2 x milk teeth, 1 x breaking two teeth & 2 x Steers with fully erupted two teeth. Going off how Vendors’ Heifers mouthed up, there is the possibility of there being a couple more just breaking 2 teeth that weren’t mouthed. They were bred at Pentland & Gumlu in Ticky Country so have had exposure to Ticks as calves. They were weaned & trucked to “Woodbine” in late May. There is 1 Steer with Flybite Marks on his neck & 1 Steer with a very small Dogbite. Please refer to photos for these traits & factor into bidding. Vendor has 2 decks of Weaner Heifers in the same sale. Weighed 16 hours off feed with access to water. PCAS Eligible