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352 GQ Vendor Bred Merino Ewes & Wethers

Auctionsplus Sheep Sale Tuesday 16th July


Ewe, Wether





Weight Range (kg)

42 - 69 Kg To Av 55.4 Kg (18 Hours Off Feed & Water)


352 GQ Vendor Bred Mixed Sex “Terrick & Gowan Blood” Merino Sheep. There are 176 Ewes & 176 Wethers that are in store to prime condition with 75 – 80mm of Wool. Ideal Sheep to shear & freshen up for the Mutton trade or join the Ewes to a Ram of your choice & retain the Wethers for Woolcutters. The Abbotsford Weaners are classed every year by Peter Clark. Approx 26% Ewes & 31% Wethers from this 2022 Drop were classed out & are now for sale. The Wether portion weighed 42 – 69 kg to av 55.5 kg (40 head weighed). The Ewe portion weighed 45 – 66 kg to av 55.3 kg (43 head weighed). Approx 50% of the Wethers are unmuelsed with the other 50% of the Wethers & all Ewes moderately Muelsed. There were 2 assessed Wethers noticed with an undershot jaw. These Sheep will fit onto 4 decks comfortably @ 88 per deck. *Vendor has 186 Wethers & 215 Merino Ewes in the holding paddock to pick the 4 decks from. If the buyer wishes to have more Ewes than Wethers loaded onto the 4 decks it can be accomodated.*