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17 VGQ Vendor Bred Mixed Sex Weaners

Auctionsplus Weaner Sale Friday 12th July


Steers, Heifers, Mixed


Angus, Braford, Brangus, Crossbred, Droughtmaster, Santa Gertrudis


0 tooth (less than 20mths)



Weight Range (kg)

173 - 328 Kg To Av 260.5 Kg (full)


17 VGQ Vendor Bred Mixed Sex Weaners. They exhibit good bone, length & depth for their age with good feet & they are very quiet. The 8 Steers weighed 250 – 328 kg to average 282.8 kg (full) & the 9 Heifers weighed 173 – 272 kg to average 240.6 kg (full). There are 9 Heifers & 5 Steers suitable for the Supermarket Trade with the remaining 3 Steers considered a Flatback. There is 1 Lame Santa Heifer that injured her foot in the crush at assessment. If she is still lame at delivery she will be left out. Wando has Prickly Acacia however not much seed is present & Weaners will be held in Winton Saleyards until delivery so should pass any viable seed. There are 5 decks of Station Mated Cows & Weaners as well as 1 deck of PTIC Cows/Heifers in Eastern States Sale located in Saleyards as well. *Please refer to delivery comments for purchaser costs.*