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168 LIMOUSIN/DROUGHTMASTER/ANGUS X Backgrounder/Trade Steers

AuctionsPlus weaner & yearling sale 19/07/24




0 tooth (less than 20mths)0-2 tooth (18-20mths)



Weight Range (kg)

364-399kg To Average 382.1kg


Backgrounders & bullock growers look on here! This is opportunity to secure a very good line of VGQ HGP free vendor bred steers.
Backed by their previous years drop taking out the Northern beef producers feedlot competition in 2023 these cattle have been bred to perform. A rare opportunity to purchase a line of cattle within a very tight weight range of 35 kilos these cattle display excellent thickness, length and muscling ability and without a doubt will continue to grow out into high yielding steers with an outstanding carcass. These steers were a pleasure to assess, there are 2 other lots in this sale – a credit to the vendors and their commitment to presenting their cattle. These steers have been sold numerous times on Auctions Plus and have always satisfied buyers expectations.

31% showing 0-15% TBC
59% showing 15-30% TBC
10% showing 30-50% TBC