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14 Steers and 17 Heifers

Steers $1000 + GST and Heifers $700 + GST




Charbray, Charolais


Good quality Charolaise Cross weaners made up of 14 steers and 17 heifers located at McKinlay. They are from 7 to 12 month old. The steers look to range from 230 – 330 kg and average 270 kg and the heifers from 210-310 kg and average 260 kg. Most calves are still on their mothers but I think a few might be self weaned.

The weaners are located in the McKinlay common and it may be possible to get on a truck going right past the yards if buyer requires. This would be a light deck but there is a number of unbranded calves that could be added to make up to a deck if buyer requires.

These weaners will grow into excellent heavy cattle, ideal for the flatback feeder market.  Asking $1000 for steers and $700 for heifers