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660 VGQ Vendor Bred NSM Merino Ewes

Auctionsplus Sheep Sale Tuesday 1st October







Weight Range (kg)

37 - 68 Kg To Average 50.7 Kg (curfewed)


660 VGQ Vendor Bred NSM Merino Ewes. These “Terrick & Gowan Blood” Ewes are 1 month off the board with majority in Forward Store to Prime condition. Approx 47% are 2.5 – 3.5 years of age (Red/Yellow Tag) & are suitable to retain for Long Term Breeders as they are classed in Ewes. Majority of the older Ewes are suitable for the processors however are still sound of mouth if purchaser wished to get 1 more Lamb out of them. The Abbotsford Weaner Ewes are classed every year by Peter Clark @ approx 25%. The Ewes were weighed after 14 hours off water & 20 hours off feed. The Red & Yellow Tags weighed 44 – 67 kg to av 53.4 kg (73 head weighed). The White & Orange Tag Ewes weighed 37 – 68 kg to av 47.8 kg (68 head weighed). These Ewes have all been Muelsed & approx 45% had Lambs weaned off them at Shearing 1 month ago. Please refer to trait table above for blemishes picked up in the assessed portion of Ewes. Ewes have been running with Maremma Guardian Dogs.